Frequently Asked Questions

What do the color temperature numbers mean?

The color temperature rating is designed to give consumers a common metric to determine the color of the light output by a bulb. Most common bulbs and fixtures have a color temperature between 2700K and 5000K. The best way to think of the rating is the lower the rated temperature, the warmer (redder) the color of light. The higher the rated temperature the cooler (bluer) the color.

What is the best color temperature LED lamp for me?

The best LED color temperature varies by facility type and customer. However, there are industry recommendations on color temperature by facility type. Ultimately, choosing the right color temperature comes down to preference, but we will offer our expertise and implement industry standards to create the best lighting solution for your space.

To find out which color temperature best suits your facility, reach out to the LRS Lighting Services team, and we will gladly answer all your lighting questions and offer support where we can!

Will LEDs really reduce the energy consumption of my building?

Yes, LED’s typically draw between 50% and 75% less energy than a comparable traditional light source.

What is a DLC rating and why is it important?

DLC is an independent non-profit organization that provides standards to manufacturers of commercial lighting. These standards help to guide manufacturers to produce high quality lighting products that have been verified to meet energy efficiency standards and other metrics. A DLC rating is important in procuring utility rebates, as many require all bulbs and fixtures installed under their programs to have a DLC rating. 

Why is Energy Star going away?

Energy Star is in the process of sunsetting its lighting program. There are many reasons for this, but the key reason stated by Energy Star is “With the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) enforcement of a 45 LPW backstop for general service lamps, LED is the dominant lighting technology, and federal standards prevent the sale of traditional, inefficient lighting sources. As a result, there is no longer any risk for backsliding in efficiency and the limited remaining potential for increased efficiency across most lighting categories no longer justifies the ENERGY STAR lighting program.

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